EUR-ACE Accreditation of engineering study programs
Create for students the conditions for their further application. Students and their employers will recognize you as authority that guarantees the quality.
What is EUR-ACE Accreditation?
High education institution by means of EUR-ACE Accreditation gets the EUR-ACE label enabling it to rank among the leading European universities and colleges that have already acquired this label. The students get the assurance that the passing of EUR-ACE Accreditation study programs will meet the strictest criteria placed on graduates in the European corporate practice.
EUR-ACE label guarantees that the holder meets the exact criteria, concerning not only the organization but also the content and outcomes of study program.
Benefits and guarantees that the EUR-ACE label brings
You will Increase the reputation of study program
With Accreditation you will receive confirmation that your program meets the quality standards set by the engineering community. You will be able to compare with other study programs in Europe. And in the end Accreditation can serve as a marketing tool to get the students select just your EUR-ACE accredited program.
Your students will find application in the whole EU
Accreditation guarantees students that study abroad program that are studying, or have completed, meets the highest European quality standards. They will get easier mobility within the EU as well as skilled engineers. Their academic qualification obtained is recognized by an authorized agency of the European range.
Employers shall give priority to your graduates
Employers gain confidence that your graduates have sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the profession. They also get a guarantee of their rapid adaptation to a corporate practice, as well as reliable information on the quality of engineering study programmes. EUR-ACE label confirms to them that the competencies and capabilities of graduates meet the international standards.
EUR-ACE ® label is by the European Commission included between the "European Quality Labels", which guarantees the quality of the engineering study program and at the same time ensures the scientific and academic quality of study process and practical knowledge and skills graduates for employment.
The personality of HEIs on accreditation EUR-ACE
Profesor v odbore biochemická technológia. Je garantom študijného programu Biotechnológia, zároveň predsedom komisie pre udeľovanie DrSc. v odboroch Priemyselná biotechnológia, Chémia a technológia požívatín a Potravinárska technológia.
prof. Ing. Ján Šajbidor, DrSc.
dekan FCHPT STUBAOd r. 1983 - doteraz pôsobí na Katedre materiálového inžinierstva na Stavebnej fakulte STU v Bratislave, od r. február/2015 - dekan Stavebnej fakulty STU v Bratislave, Pedagogická činnosť - prednášanie predmetov: Stavebné materiály, Technológia stavebných dielcov, Technologické systémy, Technológia sanácie, Technológia betónu, Vedecká a odborná činnosť- spoluriešiteľ programu Copernicus "Recycling of Waste Galvanic Sludges into Building Materials", spoluriešiteľ 6 grantových úloh VEGA,vedúci riešiteľ projektu AV, autor alebo spoluautor 1 vedeckej, 5 odborných monografií, 2 vysokoškolských učebníc, štyroch skrípt, expertízna a súdnoznalecká činnosť, a i.
prof. Ing. Stanislav Unčík, PhD.
dekan SvF STUBAProfesor v odbore aplikovaná mechanika. Vedie prednášky a semináre, vykonáva hodnotenie študentov vrátane skúšania na štátnych skúškach, Vedie doktorandov, vykonáva vedenie a oponovanie záverečných prác, tvorbu študijných materiálov.
Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. František Trebuňa, CSc.
dekan SjF TUKE VŠList of accredited programs in Slovakia
ZSVTS Accreditation Centre
It was established for the purpose to accredit the engineering study programs under the Framework of criteria EUR-ACE "(EUR-ACE ® Framework, Standards and Guidelines) of the Association of European accreditation agencies EUR-ACE-ENAEE and award a label of quality in EUR-ACE ®
News and events
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Technical Univerzity of Košice has additional study programs with international accreditation
01. 07. 2022
After the meeting of the Methodological Commission of the Accreditation Center of the ZSVTS and the subsequent approval by the AC ZSVTS Council, two study programs of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of...
Slovakia has additional EUR ACE certificates
01. 09. 2021
The ZSVTS Accreditation Center assessed, approved and handed over certificates with the EUR-ACE® quality mark to representatives of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University in Košice.
Are you interested in EUR-ACE accreditation?
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