The Accreditation Centre of ZSVTS has its own process-based management system interlinked with that of ZSVTS.
The processes are outlined in the Management Manual of AC ZSVTS. The manual is divided in eight chapters characterizing the following main processes:
Resource Management
Human Resources
Monitoring and sustainability of the system
The aim of the Manual is to clearly define the goals, responsibilities, standard procedures, specifications of the process inputs and outputs, important sub-processes as well as interfaces between each other and between AC ZSVTS and ZSVTS itself. Where necessary, standard procedures are issued in written as controlled documents.
Integrity of the accreditation system of AC ZSVTS is secured by the system documentation, which consists of
Managing documents: Management Manual, Directives, Standard Procedures, Criteria and Specifications
Forms designed to collect relevant data and records
Records such as reports, meeting minutes.
All managing documents are initiated by the Methodological Commission formed by experts knowledgeable about EUR-ACE® and ENAEE agenda as well as about the state accreditation system. The members of the Commission are in direct contact
with the ENAEE executives. The Commission is responsible for compliance of the documentation with the EUR-ACE® standards. Some of the managing documents (especially related to financial and administrative matters) are interlinked with the ZSVTS managing documentation.
All managing documents are subject to

Approval by the AC ZSVTS Council represented by AC ZSVTS Chairman. Regular reviews. The valid versions are published on the website.

Approval by the AC ZSVTS Council represented by AC ZSVTS Chairman. Regular reviews. The valid versions are published on the website.