It is responsibility of the Methodological Commission of AC ZSVTS to create and develop efficient methodology of EUR ACE accreditation applicable to HEIs in Slovakia and compliant with the rules set by ENAEE.
The current methodology is based on the following activities:
Study of the managing documentation related to the study program such as: HEI directives and procedures, study plans, state accreditation documentation, and other pertinent documents.
Review of the records and data such as: study reports, other relevant reports related to the study program, minutes of the management meetings, relevant correspondence.
Seeing and inspecting the facilities, equipment, and material resources of HEI.
Interviews with teaching staff, students, and administrative staff.
The methodology of accreditation is implemented by documented procedures and forms used by the trained audit teams which are nominated and approved by the AC ZSVTS Methodological Commission and AC ZSVTS Chairman.
Usually the audit team consists of a Lead Auditor and at least three other members nominated by the AC ZSVTS Methodological Commission and confirmed by the AC ZSVTS Chairman. At least one member of the team is an expert in the specific engineering field. All four audit team members must pass the standard training of EUR-ACE® auditors according to the AC ZSVTS standards. The audit members are chosen to avoid any possible conflict of interests.
Lead Auditor
Name and Titles
/ Date of Training
Name and Titles
/ Date of Training
Flimel Marián, doc., Ing., PhD.
Hrnčiar Miroslav, doc., Ing., PhD.
Nenadál Jaroslav, Prof.,Ing.,CSc.
Nováková Renata, doc., Ing., PhD.
Obmaščík Michal, Prof.,Ing.,CSc.
Vargovčík Ladislav, Ing., PhD.
Lead Auditor

Džubáková Martina, Ing., PhD.
She graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava. After defending his dissertation on the topic of Economics and Business Management, he is engaged in lecturing and consulting activities in the field of quality management systems, performance of certification audits for certification of management systems. Member of the Department of Production and Logistics Management, Faculty of Business Management, EU in Bratislava. He teaches in the following subjects: Process Management, Quality Management, Knowledge Management. She also actively works in the scientific and technical society – she is a member of the committee of the Slovak Society for Quality.

Zgodavová Kristína, prof., Ing., PhD.
Education: Master's and PhD. in Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
Qualification: professor in quality engineering
Practice: education and research, project manager, quality manager, process engineer and quality engineer in industrial organisations, healthcare organisations and higher education institutions.
Membership: Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education - assessor
Recognitions: Award of the Minister of Education of the Slovak Republic - The Samuel Mikovíni Small Medal for contributions to science and technology abroad; Award for lifetime contribution in the field of quality, Office for Standardization, Metrology and Testing of the Slovak Republic; Award of the Slovak Society for Quality for extraordinary contribution to the development of quality.

Flimel Marián, doc., Ing., PhD.
Education: In 1981 he graduated at Faculty of Civil Engineering on Technical University in Košice.
Practice: He worked for several companies in the building industry at studio and field engineer positions. He is an authorized civil engineer. In 1992 he acquired the degree PhD. and in 2009 the title Associate Professor. Currently working as a university teacher at Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies TUKE, Košice, Dept. of Process Engineering, specializing in environmental and physical evaluation of the buildings. His list of publications and presentations counts 168 titles.
Gavendová Mária, Ing.

Hrnčiar Miroslav, doc., Ing., PhD.
Education: University of transport and communications in Žilina
Practice: quality manager, solving of research projects and tasks on the field of quality management for practice.
Teaching: on Faculty of Management and Informatics
Member: Quality Council on University of Žilina, working group „CAF and Education" pri European institute for public Government, commissions on Slovak Office of Standards, metrology and Testing, the former president of Slovak society for Quality
Javorská Alexandra, Ing.
Kopecký Ivan, Ing., PhD.

Krištofiaková Lucia, Assoc. Prof., Ing., PhD., M.Eng., ING-PAED IGIP
Graduate of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. He currently works at the DTI University in Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia. She is deputy Head of the Department of Didactics of Professional Subjects. He performs the function of a study advisor for the doctoral study program Didactics of Technical Professional Subjects. She participates in teaching in the field of study Teaching and Pedagogical Sciences. At the same time, she acts as an internal auditor of the DTI University. She has performed in several projects under Erasmus+, VEGA, KEGA, APVV and others. She is the Secretary of the Information Society for Education and Training, a member organization of ZSVTS.

Krupová Adriana, PhDr.
Education: Faculty of Law and Pedagogic Faculty of University of Trnava, PhD. thesis – social education
Practice: coordinator for the implementation and managing of the systems of internal quality on Trnava university. She actively participated in national and international events devoted to the system of quality assurance in higher education
Lengyel Ľubomír, Ing., PhD.
Education: PhD. in Management of Industrial Systems, VŠB Technical University Ostrava
Qualification: Industrial Engineer; Quality Manager
Practice: automotive quality manager, process manager, metrology laboratory
Lengyelová Kristína, Ing.
Education: PhD. in Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Technical University in Košice
Qualification: Industrial design; Quality and Safety Engineering
Practice: new product development, industrial design, metrology laboratory, 3D printing
Membership: Slovak Union for Quality, Innovation and Design

Matiašovský Peter, Ing., PhD.
Education: Faculty of Civil engineering on STU in Bratislava (SvF STU), PhD. Thesis - Theory and the structure of ground buildings
Practice: director of Institute of Constructions and Architecture, Slovak Academy of Sciences, research in Building physics – heat and mass transfer. Teaching: department of construction of ground buildings
Member: Working group of the Commission on accreditation, member of Editorial Board of The Journal of Building Physics, chairman of the Editorial Board of Building Research Journal.

Mlynárčik Peter, Bc.
Education: Safety person and property on University of Security Management in Košice
Practice: junior manager in a publishing company regioPress distribution

Nenadál Jaroslav, Prof.,Ing.,CSc.
Education: University of Transport in Žilina
Practice: professor in branch Quality Management, quality auditor, lecturer, consultant in area of quality management
Teaching: VSB - Technical University of Ostrava. He teaches in the following courses: Quality Management, Advanced Quality Management Systems
Scientific works: in area of advanced quality management systems development, Quality 4.0
Membership: Czech Society for Quality Prague, EFQM Brussels (representative of the VSB- Technical University of Ostrava), Certification body for personnel certification ACM DTO CZ Ostrava (member of examination boards), National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education Prague (assessor)

Nováková Renata, doc., Ing., PhD.
Education: University of transport and communications in Žilina University in Žilina
Practice: main methodologist of CAF University team, quality management, marketing strategies, planning and communication
Teaching: Marketing and communication strategies
Member: scientific councils, commissions for Bachelor, master´s, doctoral and rigorous examines
Obmaščík Michal, Prof.,Ing.,CSc.
Olexa Ľubomír, Ing., PhD.
Plevák Zdeno, Ing., PhD.

Radič Pavol, Ing., PhD., EUR ING, MBA
He is appointed as an employee of the Welding Research Institute, where he started as an independent research and development worker. He oriented the profiling of his professional career (in the form of qualification of technological procedures) to new materials and technologies, further to production technologies, industrial engineering, engineering and engineering technology as such. In connection with this focus, he is dedicated to the certification of companies in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 3834 standards. He conducts adult education in the subject area. He has experience not only in the field of research and development, but also in the application of knowledge from these areas in practice.

Šurinová Yulia, Ing., PhD.
Education: Faculty of Material Science and Technology, STU Bratislava – Production quality engineering; PhD.thesis – Production management, Project management
Practice: quality assurance manager; external supervisor of the Institute of industrial engineering and Institute of integrated safety; trainer and consultant for quality management systems, experience from managing of quality, planning and realization of internal audits
Teaching: Quality management on Faculty of Material Science and Technology, STU Bratislava
Member: Slovak Society for Quality

Varga Jaroslav, Ing., CSc.
Education: Faculty of Civil Engineering on Technical University in Košice (in 1985 graduated). In 1989 he obtained obtained the degree PhD.
Practice: His carieer started as a specialist in building physics in architectural design and engineering studios. In 1991, he founded his own company IZOLA employing over 35 people. Currently acting as the owner and statutory of the IZOLA,Košice. Ltd. - a company providing design and realization services related to the insulation of buildings.
Vargová Veronika, Ing., PhD.

Vargovčík Ladislav, Ing., PhD.
Education: Faculty of mechanical engineering Technical University in Košice; PhD. thesis – Manufacturing technology, post gradual study of management and marketing in industry (USA), post gradual study of change management (Canada)
Practice: ZTS Research and Development Institute Košice, preparation and couching the projects on the field of research of service robotics and equipment’s for nuclear energetics. From 2011 solved with your research team 6 projects for CERN successfully.

Vranayová Zuzana, Prof., Ing., PhD, M.Eng.
She graduated from the study field of Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Technical University in Košice, where she currently works as a University Professor in the position of Director of the Institute of Civil Engineering. She is the guarantor of the engineering study program Architectural Engineering - Technical Equipment of Buildings In the years 2007 – 2015, she worked at the Faculty of Civil Engineering as vice-dean for education, she was the Chairwoman of the Academic Senate of the Faculty. Scientific and research orientation of prof. Vranayova's focus is on the sustainable and safe water supply of buildings. With her doctarands and colleagues, she solves projects focused on Water Management, Progressive Systems of Environmental Technology, Smart Buildings, Non-Traditional Energy and Water Sources, Vegetation Roofs and Facades and their contribution to Water management.

Závadský Ján, prof., Ing., PhD.
Education: Management of industrial enterprises on Faculty of Material Science and Technology, STU Bratislava, PhD. thesis – Economics and management of enterprises on University of Economics in Bratislava
Practice: quality manager, solving of research projects and tasks on the field of quality management for practice. Co-author of the international standard CEABPM 1001:2013 – requirements for process driving organizations, quality system auditor,
Teaching: on Faculty of enterprises management, head of Institute of management systems on University of Matej Bel, manager of quality of this University, guarantor of continuing education focused on quality management and process management
Member: Slovak association of process management (2006-2011 Chairman), Vice-president of Council sponsors of Central European Association for Business Process Management