List of EUR-ACE
Accredited Study
Programs in Slovakia
Slovak University of Technology STU, Bratislava

Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology
prof. Ing. Ján Šajbidor, DrSc., dean
Study Program: Chemical Technologies (2nd cycle)
EUR-ACE audit date: September 1, 2017
Web: www.fchpt.stuba.sk

Faculty of Civil Engineering
prof. Ing. Stanislav Unčík, PhD., dean
Study Program: Buildings Construction and Architecture (1st cycle)
EUR-ACE audit date: September 1, 2017
Web: www.svf.stuba.sk

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
prof. Ing. Ľubomír Šooš, PhD., dean
Study Program: Measurement and Quality Management in Mechanical Engineering (1st. cycle)
EUR-ACE audit date: May 1, 2019
Study Program: Production Systems and Quaklity Management (2nd. cycle)
EUR-ACE audit date: May 1, 2019
Web: www.svf.stuba.sk
Technical University of Košice

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. Jozef Živčák, PhD., MPH., dean
Study Program: Mechanical Engineering (1st cycle)
Validity from: September 1, 2017
Study Program: Mechanical Engineering (2nd cycle)
Validity from:January 1, 2019
Study Program: Prosthetic and Orthotics (1st cycle)
Validity from:June 1, 2021
Study Program: Biomedical Engineering (2nd cycle)
Validity from:June 1, 2021
Web: www.sjf.tuke.sk

Faculty of Civil Enginering
prof. Ing. Vincent Kvočák, PhD., dean
Study Program: Architectural Engineering and Architecture (1st cycle)
Validity from:September 1, 2017
Study Program: Architecture Construction (2nd cycle)
Validity from:June 1, 2018
Web: www.svf.tuke.sk

Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies
Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. Jozef Zajac, CSc., dean
Study Program: Computer Aided Manufacture (2nd cycle)
Validity from: May 1, 2019
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín

Faculty of Industrial Technologies
prof. Ing. Darina Ondrušová, PhD., dean
Study Program: Material Engineering (2nd cycle)
Validity from: May 1, 2019

Faculty of Special Technology
doc. Ing. Viliam Cibulka, CSc., dean
Study Program: Special Mechanical Enginering Technology (2nd cycle)
Validity from: May 1, 2019
Study Program: Maintenance and Repair of Special Mobile Technology (2nd cycle)
Validity from: May 1, 2019
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Technical Faculty
prof. Ing. Roman Gálik, PhD., dean
Study Program: Control Systens in Production Engineering (1st cycle)
Validity from: January 1, 2020
Study Program: Control Systens in Production Engineering (2nd cycle)
Validity from: January 1, 2020