It is vital for the effective functioning of AC ZSVTS, that it maintains close contacts with the following organizations:
European Network of Agencies for Engineering Education ENAEE (www.enaee.eu)
Accreditation Commission of Slovak Republic (www.akredkom.sk)
Technical Universities in Slovakia
- Slovak University of Technology STU, Bratislava (www.stuba.sk)
- Technical University in Žilina, Žilina (www.uniza.sk)
- Technical University in Zvolen, Zvolen (www.tuzvo.sk)
- Technical University in Košice, Košice (www.tuke.sk)
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport SR (www.minedu.sk)
National accreditation agencies in ENAEE
The main responsibility for keeping contacts with the external partners have the AC ZSVTS Chairman and Secretary General.