
Meeting of the Methodological Commission and the AC ZSVTS Council


In December 2019, two important meetings of the bodies of the components of the Union – the Methodological Commission and the Council of the Accreditation Center of the ZSVTS – took place in the House of the ZSVTS in Bratislava. The task was to assess the proposal to award the EUR ACE label to other technical study programmes in Slovakia, as well as to deduct the implementation of the plan of measures that were established for other study programmes. The meeting was also attended by a delegation from the Faculty of Technology of the Slovak University of Technology in Nitra, led by Doc. Ján Kosib, PhD., vice-dean of the faculty. As a result of the meetings, the award of the EUR ACE label for two other study programmes was approved, as well as a draft model of the EUR-ACE certificate for graduates of study programmes in Slovakia; a plan for accreditations in the next period.