
Successful reaccreditation of AC ZSVTS


In the spring period of 2020, good news came to ZSVTS: the Accreditation Center of ZSVTS (AC ZSVTS) successfully passed the reaccreditation process, carried out by representatives of ENAEE (European Association for EUR-ACE Accreditation). The full functionality of this international agency for the next period has been confirmed. In practice, this means that until the end of 2022, AC ZSVTS can fully fulfill the function of a European agency that is authorized to issue certificates with the EUR ACE mark to technical study programs not only in Slovakia, but also abroad.

EUR-ACE® is included in the European Quality Labels by the European Commission, which guarantees the quality of the engineering study programme while ensuring the scientific and academic quality of the study process, while confirming the practical knowledge and skills of graduates for their future employment.